Adjudication Panel for Wales

The Adjudication Panel for Wales (APW) is an independent tribunal which determines alleged breaches by members of local authorities in Wales of their authority’s statutory code of conduct. Its web site includes guidance, decisions and annual reports.


BAILII (the British and Irish Legal Information Institute) provides the most comprehensive set of British and Irish primary legal materials freely available online. This page provides access to all legislation made by the National Assembly for Wales since its establishment in 1999: Welsh Statutory Instruments 1999 onwards, the Measures that were made between 2008 and 2011, and Acts of Wales 2012 onwards.

Boundary Commission for Wales

The Boundary Commission for Wales conducts periodic boundary reviews of all UK Parliament constituencies in Wales. Its web site includes information on the current (2018) and previous reviews, 1954 onwards.

Care Inspectorate Wales

The Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW), formerly the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW), is responsible for regulating and inspecting establishments and agencies which provide social care services in Wales. Links to legislation are provided in the section “What we do”, under the “About us” tab. Other sections have inspectorate reports, annual reports, newsletters, information leaflets, and details of the complaint procedure.

Education Workforce Council

The Education Workforce Council (EWC) is the independent regulator in Wales for teachers and learning support staff in schools and further education. It replaced the General Teaching Council for Wales (GTCW) on 1 April 2015. Its Register of Education Professionals is searchable online. Site content also includes the Code of Professional Conduct and Practice, registration rules, disciplinary procedures and rules, and notices of recent fitness to practise committee hearing outcomes.


GOV.Wales is the web site of the devolved Welsh Government (known until May 2011 as the Welsh Assembly Government), whose areas of responsibility include the economy, health, education and local government. Much of the site content is arranged under broad topics, eg health and social care, housing, transport, etc. Other sections provide news, publications, and details of current consultations. Welsh legislation is accessible via “About Us”; this includes current Bills, Measures 2008-2011, Acts 2011 onwards, general Statutory Instruments (via a link to the site), local Statutory Instruments, and non-Statutory Instruments (eg codes of practice and compulsory purchase orders).

Healthcare Inspectorate Wales

The Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (HIW) is the independent inspectorate and regulator of all healthcare in Wales. Publications include healthcare standards and the text of all reviews and investigations which HIW undertakes. The site includes some links to legislation. Wales

Welsh legislation on the UK’s official legislation database includes: Acts of the National Assembly for Wales 2012 onwards, Measures of the National Assembly for Wales 2008-2011 and Wales Statutory Instruments 1999 onwards. Measures are reproduced as revised, with an option to select the original “as enacted” text under “What Version” on the left of the screen. Wales SIs are not revised. Explanatory Notes to Measures and Acts are included if published.

Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales

The Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales keeps under review all local government areas in Wales and the electoral arrangements for the principal areas. It was known as the Local Government Boundary Commission for Wales from its establishment in 1974 up to 2013. Content on its web site includes guidance documents, annual reports 2014-2015 onwards, and minutes of commission meetings 2016 onwards.

Mental Health Review Tribunal for Wales

The Mental Health Review Tribunal for Wales (MHRT for Wales) deals with applications and references by and in respect of patients detained under the Mental Health Act 1983 (as amended by the Mental Health Act 2007) in Wales. Its web site includes forms, guidance, FAQs and links to legislation.

National Assembly for Wales

The National Assembly for Wales is a devolved assembly which since May 2007 has had power to make primary legislation in certain areas. These include education, the environment, health and social care, housing, social welfare, transport and others. Site content includes records of proceedings; Standing Orders; a guide to the legislative process; details of Assembly Acts, Bills and subordinate legislation (all with links to texts); and a link to the Government of Wales Act 2006.

Natural Resources Wales

Natural Resources Wales, a public body sponsored by the Welsh Government, has various statutory duties and responsibilities which include regulation and compliance within Wales’s environmental industries. It was formed on 1 April 2013 from a merger of the Environment Agency Wales with two other bodies. Site content includes extensive guidance and advice, and annual reports 2013/2014 onwards.

NHS Wales: Mental Health Act 1983

This NHS Wales microsite was created to provide information and training materials during the implementation of the Mental Health Act 2007 in Wales. Content includes guidance; booklets and leaflets; links to secondary legislation on the site; the Mental Health Act 1983 Code of Practice for Wales; information on the Mental Health Review Tribunal for Wales; forms; and training materials.

Public Services Ombudsman for Wales

The Public Services Ombudsman for Wales investigates complaints about public services in Wales, including local government, National Health Service organisations, the National Assembly for Wales, and many public bodies. The web site has information and guidance on the Ombudsman’s role and the complaint procedure, annual reports, investigation reports, and an occasional Ombudsman’s Casebook containing summaries of recent cases.

Researching Applicable Law in Wales – What is Unique in Wales?

This research guide, on the GlobaLex web site, is intended as an introduction to researching Welsh law and includes a brief overview of the development of the Welsh legal system. The authors are Lillian Stevenson and Dr Catrin Fflur Huws. The current edition is dated May/June 2018; earlier editions of 2014 and 2017 are also available.

Residential Property Tribunal Wales

The Residential Property Tribunal Wales deals with disputes relating to private rented and leasehold property in Wales and is made up of Rent Assessment Committees, Leasehold Valuation Tribunals and Residential Property Tribunals. Its web site includes guidance booklets, forms, and decisions from April 2012 onwards.

Social Care Wales

Social Care Wales is responsible for registering and regulating social care workers in Wales. It was established on 3 April 2017 and combines the functions of the former Care Council for Wales and the Social Services Improvement Agency. Its online register is searchable. Other site content includes codes of practice and practice guidance, outcomes of fitness to practise hearings, and an “Information and Learning Hub” which contains information, with links, on social care legislation in Wales.

Special Educational Needs Tribunal for Wales

A separate devolved Special Educational Needs Tribunal for Wales (SENTW) came into being in September 2003. Its web site has contact details and information aimed primarily at parents in Wales whose children have special educational needs.

Valuation Tribunal for Wales

The Valuation Tribunal for Wales (VTW) deals with appeals about non-domestic rates and council tax. Its web site has information (much of it in the form of FAQs) and guidance on appeals in Wales, and provides access under “Listings and Decisions” to both English and Welsh appeal decisions, on rating 1993 onwards, and on council tax November 1995 onwards.