Companies House

Companies House, an executive agency of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, carries out a number of functions, including registration, relating to limited companies and company records in the UK. Basic company information, forms and guidance documents are accessible free of charge in this section of the GOV.UK web site. More detailed information and a range of other services are available as subscription services.

Companies List

The Companies List (formerly known as the Companies Court) is a specialist court, part of the Business and Property Courts of the High Court of Justice, which handles cases relating to insolvency of companies and other company matters. Information here on the GOV.UK portal site includes forms and guidance, location and contact details, and a link to the Insolvency and Companies cause list.

Company Law Club

Company Law Club is a web site of Company Law Solutions Limited, a Newcastle upon Tyne based firm which provides company registration and related services. Free information on the site includes a searchable and browsable company law database; an annotated list of the main UK companies legislation, with links to full text on the site; links to government and other company law web sites; and recent newsletters.

Company Names Tribunal

The Company Names Tribunal adjudicates on disputes about opportunistic company name and limited liability partnership name registrations. It was created 1 October 2008 and is administered by the UK Intellectual Property Office. Information provided in this section of the GOV.UK web site includes the Company Names Tribunal practice direction, forms and decisions.

Corporate Law and Governance

This site, created by Robert Goddard, a law lecturer at Aston Business School, Birmingham, functions both as a blog and as a portal for corporate (company) law. The blog covers important developments, news and other items, and the portal provides links to the main corporate law and governance primary materials, news sources and organisations. The Archive goes back to 2008.

Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) was formed on 14 July 2016 from a merger of the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC). Its responsibilities include business, industrial strategy, science, innovation, energy and climate change. This section of the GOV.UK web site provides information on its activities, policies, publications and announcements.

Financial Reporting Council

The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) is an independent regulator responsible for promoting confidence in corporate reporting and governance in the UK. It oversees the regulatory activity of the actuarial profession and the professional accounting bodies in the UK, and is the independent disciplinary body for accountants, accounting firms and actuaries. Downloadable documents include the FRC’s UK Corporate Governance Code and UK Stewardship Code.

London Stock Exchange

Amongst the extensive stock market information on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) site is a “Rules and regulations” section, from which the current LSE Rules may be downloaded. To locate this section select the tab “For traders & brokers”. Also available are the current AIM Rules, which can be found under the tab “For companies and advisers”.

Takeover Panel

The Panel on Takeovers and Mergers is the regulatory body which administers the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers. Documents on the site include the Code, the Rules Governing Substantial Acquisitions of Shares, Panel statements, practice statements, current and recent public consultation papers, and all annual reports since the Panel’s inception in 1968.