Interfaith Legal Advisers Network

The Interfaith Legal Advisers Network (ILAN) was established by Cardiff Law School’s Centre for Law and Religion in December 2007 with the aim of “providing members with a greater understanding of their respective religious legal systems and the common legal issues they face”. Papers from the meetings of the Network can be found on the site, together with a list of electronic links to laws and regulations of religious groups.

Law & Religion UK

This is a blog which is intended as “a forum for … academically-rigorous exploration of the interactions between law and religion”. The main contributors are Frank Cranmer, Secretary of the Churches’ Legislation Advisory Service and parliamentary and synod editor of the Ecclesiastical Law Journal, and David Pocklington, contributor to the journal Environmental Law and Management. Archived content extends back to 2012. Links to related blogs and web sites are provided under the heading Blogroll.

Law and Religion Scholars Network (LARSN)

The Law and Religion Scholars Network (LARSN) was set up by Cardiff’s Centre for Law and Religion in 2008 to bring together academics who were interested in how law and religion interact. Site content includes a Case Database, which provides a list of judgments delivered by UK courts, the European Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights concerning law and religion. The database has a short summary of the decision and a link to the case transcript. All cases from 2000 onwards are included, plus some significant earlier cases. Other site content includes weblinks to primary and secondary legal materials. journals, organisations and research groups.

Project for Interdisciplinary Law and Religion Studies

The Project for Interdisciplinary Law and Religion Studies (PILARS) is run by a team of Open University Law School and international academics researching in the field of law and religion. The site contains some skills material, a bibliography of law and religion texts, recent cases, PILARS case comments and links to related web sites.

Religion Law Blog

This blog, by barrister and author Neil Addison, provided commentary on developments relating to the law, religious freedom and religious discrimination from 2008 until updating ceased in mid-2015.

Religious Legal Systems

The full title of the updated version of this research guide, published April 2017 on the GlobaLex web site, is Religious Legal Systems in Comparative Law – A Guide to Introductory Research. It covers internet resources, books and articles. The author is Marylin Johnson Raisch, Associate Director for Research and Collection Development at the Georgetown Law Center.


A fully searchable collection of treaties, legislation, judicial decisions, and other documents and news relating to religion and law from jurisdictions worldwide is provided by this site, which is maintained by the Religion and Law Consortium, a group of academic institutions in the US and Europe, and hosted by the International Center for Law and Religion Studies at Brigham Young University. Options to browse by country, organisation and topic are available.